August 23, 2009

It's In Our Hands (Björky)

It's In Our Hands (unfinished) from Lazarus Plath on Vimeo.

This is an old experiment to compose trochoid animations with music. I worked organically, starting at the beginning of the song and making shapes for the sounds. These shape animations were composed in a video editing app and I incrementally worked my way through the song, well, I intended to but only made 30 seconds. I was having trouble finding something for the snare at the end of this so I ended there, but the experiment was to test this setup for creating more complex animations, and it was pretty cumbersome. Worse is that the video editing app would show a nice, crisp image in the editor but I could never get it to export a clear movie. I finally found a way to get a quality movie out of this video editing app; made a program that sends it -> keystrokes (advances frame) then saves a screen grab. All those screen grabs are crisp and they were used to make a movie (using QT). It's Nice to finally see a full quality movie of this work. My Vimeo account doesn't have downloads of originals so this is Vimeos recompression which probably looks about the same as the crude exports I got from that video app. It's not really that spectacular, I'm just elated at finally finding a way to get a full quality movie out of that app!!!!

Oh yeah, the music is from Björks single of It's In Our Hands, the Arcade Mix one.

The Dress

The Dress from Lazarus Plath on Vimeo.

Shot maybe around 2005 with the video feature of a still camera. Not sure what sense it's supposed to make.